Celebrating International Women's Day

International Women's Day is a reminder to empower, strengthen and encourage women worldwide. As a woman owned and run business, AUTORE MODA understands the importance in honouring and supporting women in all aspects of life.

With this in mind, AUTORE MODA will be donating 20% of ALL sales for the week March 7 - 12 to Women's Community Shelters, who work tirelessly in providing the basic needs of women, health and safety.


Women's Community Shelters works with local communities to establish new safe crisis accommodation options for women and children. Their goal is to establish an Australia where women are safe, secure, supported and equal.

Recognising that more than 1 in 2 women nationwide are turned away from a bed every night, Women's Community Shelters works on building more facilities around the nation to help women feel safe and supported.

Follow their efforts here.

Shop our latest range and support women in need here.